Naked Soul, Naked Body: Part 2 — Boy

The truth is, I have already seen you naked
From head to toe
In passing, without intention
Completely undressed, completely shown

Always serious to mask insecurity
Trembling from fear, without self-defense
The girl who wants to avoid womanhood
Too young to think of death, too old to feign innocence

I first fell in love with your unkempt features
The perfect balance of caring and not trying
Cracked lips begging to be kissed
Sad eyes but never crying

Your “hidden church”
Is a constant reminder
The body is a temple
But never to be denied from its lover

To become one flesh
Is to unite in soul, not skin
To love with passion, eros
But without sin

Is an act hypocrites never admit doing
Self-love is a part of copulation
And a pure act of total self-offering

The last time I made you mad
I smiled (with affection), even laughed out loud
Embarrassed that I saw your breasts
You didn’t notice you let your guard down

Like your green one-piece swimsuit
That shows off your “peasant’s tan”
The lines naturally form the borders
Between lover and friend

Or the red low-cut camisole
Which contrasts your pale unblemished skin
And that inappropriate art project
Just harmless exhibitionism and voyeurism

It’s true, black and white covers a multitude of flaws
Indirect light creates softer shadows
Words are a poet’s aphrodisiac
We are all naked underneath our clothes

The point is
Nudity and nakedness
Are not the same thing
Like making love and sex

You and I
Have decided to be naked
Something less than marriage
Something more than friendship

6 June 2019
3:33 PM